Dialect & Accent Reduction
Coaching with Adam Michael Rose
Coaching with Adam Michael Rose
Professional dialect & accent reduction coaching
to expand and diversify your performance as a voice-over artist.
to expand and diversify your performance as a voice-over artist.
Your vocal performance is the heart and soul of your voice-over career. Adam Michael Rose provides assistance to pro and aspiring voice-over and stage actors seeking to strengthen and diversify their delivery. His unique methods will provide insight into your unique areas of development, and direct instruction on how you can continue to grow as a voice talent.
Along with clients on Game of Thrones and Orange is the New Black, Adam is looking forward to sharing his expertise with students at Such A Voice. He is always on a quest to make voice and speech work practical, engaging, and FUN for his clients.
Coaching with Adam Michael Rose

Your First Two Hours of Dialect & Accent Reduction Coaching
During the first session with Adam, clients will have a consultation to see if they are a good fit for dialect coaching. From there, clients will work to discover their unique areas of improvement through in-depth techniques and assessments. They will also be introduced to the world of dialect & accent reduction coaching, and learn why so many professional voice, screen, and stage actors utilize the services of professionals like Adam to enhance their performance.
After that, they’ll work with Adam to create a professional development plan, including individualized strategies for strengthening their performance, as well as recommendations for continuing education through one-on-one coaching with Adam.
If a student or prospect is interested in this, you can send Adam (adam@suchavoice.com) an email and he can set those up!
Begin Working With Adam Today.
Understand Your Voice
Identify your areas of improvement, and learn how to turn them into strengths.
Diversify Your Performance
Receive detailed instruction on how to hear and produce new sounds.
Personalized Education
Learn how to utilize scripts in order to develop your personal voice strengthening program.
(802) 275-0154
© Such A Voice – The Best Way to Get Started in Voice-Overs