Audition Mastery

 Specialized audition coaching to maximize your impact every time.

You've just been presented with a great voice-over audition and you feel your voice is perfect for the specs, but you're struggling to put together a great read, and you know you have to nail it to even be considered.

Or, maybe you're just not getting hired from any of your auditions. You're not getting the feedback you need in order to grow as a voice talent, and aren't sure where you're going wrong.

If either of these are true, Such A Voice Coach has developed Audition Mastery for you. We have worked with countless voice actors in developing their talents, and we've built this program specifically to assist where many voice actors struggle: auditions. Your coach will help you find your edge, and eliminate bad habits so that every audition can be your best.

In today's voice-over marketplace, the voice-actor who is the most deeply connected to the copy is the most likely to book the job!

We've consolidated the best ways of "getting connected" into a formula that is super effective, and really fun to do!

Register now to work with your coach and increase your chances of landing the job with every audition you submit!

Register Now!

Audition Mastery Details

Two Half-Hour Audition Mastery Sessions

Your Coach will teach you how to master any audition and bring your very best to every read. You'll learn how to truly own the copy, look at scripts from different angles to create a fresh perspective, turn non-conversational copy into a believable message, and several other tips and tricks specifically designed to help you make the most of each and every one of your audition opportunities.

$129 for Two Half-Hour Sessions

Audition Preparation
Find your best performance with any script, subject, and situation.

Audition Analysis
Review unsuccessful auditions to uncover and eliminate trends and bad habits.

Living the Story
Learn to differentiate pushing your performance, and living the story to deliver a natural read.

In Audition Mastery, you will learn how to...

  • Truly "own" the copy.
  • Find the subtext of any spot.
  • Turn awkward, non-conversational copy into something believable.
  • Improve your future auditions with tips and techniques you can use for the rest of your voice-over career.
  • Look at scripts from different angles, creating fresh new reads!
  • Discover the number of takes you should submit, their order, and how best to vary them.
  • Pull from a library of tips and tricks specifically designed to help you make the most of each and every one of your audition opportunities.
Let's Do This!

(802) 275-0154

© Such A Voice – The Best Way to Get Started in Voice-Overs